Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Forestry Sub-local Agenda 2/4/2017

Below is the DRAFT agenda for the Forestry Sub-local Statewide meeting in Eugene on February 4, 2017.

Forestry Sub-Local 629 Statewide Meeting
February 4, 2017, 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
SEIU 503 Eugene, 488 E. 11th Ave, Suite 200, Eugene
Call in between 10:00 am and 11:00 am, more information contact your officers or Mike Bray
Please register by January 31st to make sure enough food is avialable at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe3whwjHfJumpz2NV1Hu0nekdmMity1YCWVddgZ_pZnW9NDRg/viewform?c=0&w=1

Tentative Agenda:
Welcome and introductions
Agenda changes, acceptance
President's message: The Rules We Play By
State Forester, Peter Daugherty
State Forest Lawsuit, Should our Local take a position, what?
Elliot State Forest, update, rumor control, comment to Oregon State Land Board?
Tree Falling Committee, update and recommendations
Incident Management Rest, update
Bargaining 2017, Bargaining Conference Report
Lobby Day, when and participation
Employee cost savings suggestions to Agency
Labor/ Management agenda items, who will develop and present
Resolution to be family friendly, lodging
Promotional item purchase? Distribution of hats and mugs
Next meeting
Good of the order
Mileage reimbursement forms, safe travels

Friday, January 13, 2017

47 Seasonal Fire Suppression Jobs Available

The Oregon Department of Forestry is accepting applications for 47 different Seasonal, full time positions in the Protection from fire program.  These positions are located throughout Oregon and include the  classifications of Forest Officer, Wildland Fire Dispatcher, Wildland Fire Suppression Specialist, Wildland Fire Suppression Specialist Entry and Forest Lookout.

These are Union represented positions with benefits.

Please pay attention to this note from the Human Resource Department: All current employment opportunities can be found at www.oregonjobs.org.  Please pay special attention to the Application Instructions in the announcement to ensure your application materials are submitted correctly.  Thank you.

Friday, January 6, 2017

Tree Falling Committee Commences Work

The Tree Falling Committee, as established during ODOT Coalition bargaining in 2015 will soon commence its work.  During bargaining a differential for tree falling work was proposed, but lack of time to really understand the work involved and different aspects of chainsaw use lead to a letter of intent to discuss it further.  Now the committee, with management and employee representatives from Departments (ODOT, OPRD, ODF) who need skilled chain saw operators will meet to understand the nature, frequency and specific training needed.  

Cassie Bostrom of the Santiam Unit, North Cascades District will be the Oregon Department of Forestry employee representative on the committee.  She brings past experience working for OPRD hanging from ropes clearing trees from the Columbia Gorge Scenic Highway and now falls danger trees in campgrounds and clears trees from roadways blocking tree planting crews for ODF.  If you have comments about the Committee’s work they can be forwarded to Cassie directly or through your President.