Friday, April 22, 2016

Forestry Local OODA, Our Work, Our Brand

Observe, Orient, Decide, Act (OODA) is what we in Forestry are very good at.  Doug Decker, Oregon State Forester referred to it at a recent Public Information Officer meeting saying “Our brand is the extra energy you apply”.  Tyler on the Niagara Fire near Detroit Dam knew it when he observed a 10’ by 10’ fire spot across the line and called for three heavy helicopters to suppress it, stopping its spread at about an acre. I am sure there are many other examples.

These are the stories to share, about the great work you do suppressing wildfires in Oregon.

OODA also applies to how you are treated at work.  Is it clear what your responsibilities are?  Do you know your schedule?  What about responding to an incident off District? If you do not understand ask questions, ask your Steward, ask the Member Resource Center, ask your elected leadership.  As Decker observed it is the extra energy that you put into everyday work that is our brand and what we are known for across the Nation and around the World.  If there are barriers to your success or safety that let’s take care of them so you can do your best this coming fire season and the rest of the year.

The Forestry Local is having its spring Statewide Meeting on Saturday, April 30th at SEIU 503 Headquarters in Salem from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.  It would be great to hear your OODA stories in person or during the call in hour from 10:00 to 11:00 am.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Elections, Statewide Meeting - Important Date Reminder

This is a reminder of two dates rapidly approaching:

Forestry Local election ballots need to be received by 5:00 pm Friday, April 22nd.

Forestry Local Statewide meeting is Saturday, April 30th from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm in Salem at SEIU 503 Headquarters

Consider participating in both of these opportunities to express your thoughts on the operations of your Local and becoming a participant guiding its direction.  Ballot counters are needed.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Forestry Statewide Meeting and Other Dates

Our Spring Forestry Local Statewide meeting will be Saturday, April 30th from 10:00am to 2:00pm at SEIU 503 Headquarters in Salem.  From 10 to 11 will be a call in period for those who cannot attend in person.  For the call-in number contact Mike Bray our SEIU Staff Organizer or Dave Wells your Local President.  Agenda items already proposed are ballot counting and announcement of election results, a financial report, review of our Labor/ Management meeting, General Council resolutions to review and submit and Local mug distribution and purchase of additional items. Please register if you are planning on attending so we can get an accurate lunch order:

Other dates and events:

SEIU 503's Shaping or Future Leadership Summit is Saturday, April 16th and registration and more information can be found at:

Forestry Leadership election ballots need to be received by April 22nd at 5:00pm.

Forestry Labor/Management meeting, April 26 in Salem.  Agenda items can be submitted to any of your Local's leadership.

General Counsel Resolutions due May 1st to meet submission deadline of 90 days prior to the General Council meeting.