For the presidents message I reminded everyone that during bargaining we will be representing Forestry employees and outcomes should seek to solve problems and leave our members with hope.
Decisions made at our meeting include:
Our treasurer position is currently vacant and elections to select a new one will be made at our next Statewide meeting.
Purchasing aluminum water bottles was approved as a promotional item. Distribution is anticipated in March or April.
A cell phone paid for by the Local will be acquired for Brandon's use.
To aid communication within the Local, the preparation of a listserv is being investigated to distribute e-mails. If you are interested in getting on the list contact any of your Local's officers or your Organizer.
The Local's leadership will continue to build our membership, recruit Stewards and develop Contract Action Teams (CATS) to support contract negotiations.
Next Statewide meeting will be April 11 from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm in Salem at a location to be determined.